2011 Denver Event

– 2010 Attendee
If you are tired of two weeks of vacation time and want to break away from the cube to explore the world, then don’t miss out on this event!
Date: Tuesday, October 18th | Doors: 6pm
Colorado Free University | 7653 E. 1st Place – Ballroom
NOTE: There are no refunds once tickets are purchased. If you wish to transfer your ticket to someone else, you will need to update your attendee information (including all survey questions). Upon registering, create an EventBrite login in order to access your account information later.
Denver Panelists
Erin Guttenplan
Erin loves an adventure! After seven years of working in the educational travel sector, Erin took off for five months bound for Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia with a camera, backpack, and thirst for discovery. After volunteering for months in rural villages throughout the developing world, she was motivated to act. In March 2010, Erin founded Edge of Seven, a Denver-based nonprofit, to create awareness and volunteer support for girls in developing countries. The team at Edge connects volunteers with service projects in remote corners of the developing world. Erin is a firm believer that getting out and seeing the world will help people become more effective at changing it.
Website: Edge of Seven | Twitter: EdgeofSeven
Polly Letofsky
Polly traveled across 4 continents and over 14,000 – by foot – to become the first woman to walk around the world. As an awareness campaign for breast cancer, strangers welcomed her into their homes. But it was never an easy road. Polly struggled with earthquakes, muggings, languages, even religious riots. The ultimate challenge came in the middle of her journey when September 11 flung us all into a crossroads in world history.
In her bestselling book 3mph: The Adventures of One Woman’s Walk Around the World Polly shares her story with humor and honest reflection, the good times and the hardships, and shows us all that we can tackle life’s biggest challenges – one step at a time. Polly is currently a full time motivational speaker from Denver, Colorado.
Website: Polly Letofsky | Twitter: PollysWalking
Jim and Wendy Pearson
Jim and Wendy have been intrepid travelers since they married in 1997. A motorcycle adventurer at heart, Jim’s dual-sport escapades have taken him across Alaska, Central America and even the Australian outback. Wendy’s less dusty travels have landed her in place as diverse as Russia and Manila, Brazil and Singapore. Together and apart they’ve traveled the Americas and beyond, but each time with one pesky restriction: two week trip maximums.
After many years of feeling of being held hostage by their lifestyle of “live to work, work to live,” they decided to make a change. In November 2011, Jim and Wendy are leaving corporate America and embarking on a three-year around the world trip by road. They are packing up their 2006 Ford F550 camper, giving away all their belongings, renting out their house and taking their marketable skills on the road with their dog Neva. Not sure what they will find, they are taking stock in the fact that whatever it is will bring them happiness and growth.
Website: Global Road Trekker | Twitter: RoadTrekker
Alonna Scott
Two years ago, Alonna took a 1-year leave of absence from her job to travel with her husband, Ben. They had spent the previous 6 years building up their retirement accounts and seeing the world in exhausting one-week jaunts. Then one day they realized that they didn’t have to follow society’s pre-defined path; they could choose to do things differently.
Their RTW trip took them through South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The memories and photos alone justify the trip, but what Alonna didn’t expect was to return with a new perspective on life. Although she has returned to her previous career, she is committed to spending her money and free time in a way that reflects her priorities. She now understands that there are many different ways to live out life, and doesn’t intend to get “stuck” on any given path again.
Website: Ben & Alonna
Celia Taylor
Celia is a Professor at the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver. She teaches in the corporate area and researches and publishes in that area and in the area of international human rights. She has traveled extensively for work and pleasure and has taken sabbaticals in Argentina & Bangladesh.
We are excited to have the following travel expert join us as well:
Nora Lynch is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Wellcoach. She started Fit Travelers Have More Fun after seeing firsthand how an unprepared body can interfere with the joys of travel. Nora is passionate about helping people have a great travel experience, and the missing piece is that most of us overestimate how active we are at home, and underestimate the rigors of travel.
Website: Fit Travelers Have More Fun | Twitter: @fittravelgirl
Meet Your Host: Jane Stanfield
Jane Stanfield has three main passions in life – travel, animals and volunteering. In 2006 she put them together on a yearlong trip around the world. She volunteered on 12 projects in seven countries and had fantastic vacations in four others. For volunteer projects, her top three were working with orphans, assisting at an archaeological dig, and rehabilitating infant baboons.
Back in Denver in 2007, Jane started Where Is She Heading, LLC and speaks, teaches and helps volunteers and sabbaticalists learn about international travel. She says the key is to pick the right project that fits their time, interest, budget and heart. Jane published “Mapping Your Volunteer Vacation” that offers a step-by-step approach to first find a volunteer project, and then the trip logistics to take it from a vague wish to a dream come true.
Website: Where Is She Heading, LLC